I thought it important to share my dreadlock experience (bit of a long one but bear with me!). Many people have misconceptions of people with dreadlocks referring to them as stinky hippies, rope heads and the like.This doesn't really bother me, it's a personal preference like dying your hair plum. Not everyone likes it but if it makes you feel more you then its a good thing.

It sounds a bit spiritual and to be honest hair is spiritual, it always has been and dreadlocks have a long history dating back to ancient Egypt. Everyone feels better after a new do, like a rebirth. with the simple action of a different hairstyle you can transform yourself, and the way people view you. Its like stepping into someone else's shoes. I believe it is something everybody should experience once in their life. Completely ditching their self as they know it and taking on a whole new one. And it is not that once you have dreads you actively change, the change comes to you because of the way people view you. Opportunities open up that never would have. People who probably wouldn't notice you in the street have an urge to talk to you, you look interesting, your hair hold stories.
Of course certain doors also close, like the majority of corporate jobs, a lot of hospitality jobs and the like. This was one of my main reasons to have them, i wanted out of hospitality, i wanted to change my life and didn't know how but i knew if i excluded certain jobs i'd be forced into different areas. As it happened two years later i'd gained enough knowledge on dreads to start my own company to make and maintain locks, Dread fixations and creations http://www.facebook.com/pages/dread-fixations-and-creations/169637358278 Which was a much better way to earn money, working with interesting people with good stories rather than spoilt rich holiday makers wanting their dinner NOW!
I felt better in my own skin with my dreads, i stopped wearing make-up (shock) still don't wear it on a daily basis, i suppose my dreads are my make-up. Everybody has something to hide behind. My dreads speak for themselves and people read them how they wish to read them. It does bring up with some funny comments like do you take them out before bed every night? and how do you wash them? Well people, it is still hair it can still be washed the same way, believe it or not, they are not all stinky. In fact i have seen some of the healthiest hair in dreads. The hair has to be healthy to have life and character and to be strong.
Peace out!
Interesting post. Hair is one of the best methods for self expression I think. It evolves as you do. My hair is my natural colour at the moment and I feel naked!
great post! i can totally relate to your reasoning and thought process., i am trying to escape the vain world that surrounds me. its a process- and a tough one. i am on my second set of dreads now.. i know on this journey i will create the "me" that i have had encased inside me for a long time now.. finally took the opportunity to start the journey of findin this "me" that i lose contact with because of this tempting superficial world... reflections are made and i realize dreading is the way to go. thanks for the read and inspiration. check out my blog and dreadies too! i am regularly posting about my journey. keep us updated!! blessings your way, and happy dreading ;)
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